[02.02.2024] 20:23
Hello man, can u please tell me when server will go Live and also how many clients we can open x PC ?

[03.02.2024] 10:33
3 4 weeks??
Seriously man? 😥 On another ticket u said end January/ start February

[03.02.2024] 10:44
We focused on some game suggestions we received during Beta (e.g. CORE rework etc.) in order to start prepared. Our priority is to start prepared with no restarts for updates.
Currently as we are prepared, we need to give some space to our advertisement in order to attract players, that need to get time as advertisement is cannot be forced in rush unfortunatelly.

[05.03.2024] 21:39
Yes, you can find Discord on our websites (left blue button): https://discord.gg/VsYFqCgQ

[06.03.2024] 11:53
We are not accepting any advertising private driven services offers, only public known channels and private refferal bonus activities are allowed for now. Should you want to diacuss in detail, create your own ticket please or contonue on Discord.
[03.02.2024] 10:07
we are currently working on openning date setup as everything seems to be prepared but we are still considering some "new" features (like special party "boss fighting" and so on). However, we will keep those features probably for our upcoming updates to not prolong the starting date. As we are entering to advertitsing period it is more likely to grand open in 3-4 weeks as latest.
To your second question: boxes are unlimited and remain like that also for Live.
Should you have any further questions, please let us know.